Originally we decided to standardized the motor mounts of our .99 diameter kits so that we could produce interchangable stage kits to work with a variety of rocket kits.
Early on we released the Boostar-C and Boostoh staging kits to fit the .99 diameter rockets including the Centauri, Super Centauri, Super Tooboh and Sword kits. All of these flew very well on either the Boostar-C or the Boostoh stages...So some very interesting combinations of these kits can be flown with either of these stages. Pretty much you can interchange them in any configuration as long as they are used in a 2 stage configuration.
Later we started to test the Boostar-C in some 3 stage configuration and these flight were successfull using the Centari and Super Centauri with 2 Boostar-C stages and the Super Tooboh with 1 Boostoh and 1 Boostar-C stage. Although the flights were very stable the rockets tended to have flights that veered more into the wind than we'd like to see. This was due to the weight of the rocket with the 2 additional stages and motors which resulted in a liftoff that was too slow.

For more information go to ModelRockets.us